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Jackpot de partilha de conhecimento com Tech Talks sobre programação, design e trabalho em equipa

A jackpot of sharings with 6 tech talks

Sharing is one of the core values defining Fabamaq’s culture, and Knowledge Sharings is one way of applying it to practice. We reserved a jackpot of knowledge sharing for this July with a cycle of six TechTalks focused on programming, design and workflow organization in teams. 

These Tech Talks appeared to facilitate technical learning by approaching concrete concepts in a practical way. During the sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to study technologies as well as principles of organization and collaborative work with a concrete application to the routine experienced at Fabamaq. In the end, we expect that these talks can contribute to the individual growth of our Gamers and, consequently, to an improvement in the company’s productivity.

With the reasons behind the creation of this cycle of Knowledge Sharing explained, let’s focus on the learnings proposed in each one of these Tech Talks:

July 13th - Javascript Essentials
André Proença, Game Developer at Fabamaq

The first Tech Talk will involve Gamers with different levels of knowledge in Javascript. The attendees will make a small trip through syntax, fundamentals, technical concepts and different features of this programming language. Besides the theoretical approach, Gamers will also do some exercises to discuss and review details in groups about several Javascript applications.

July 15th - Moon and the art of SFINAE
Marco Pinto, Game Developer at Fabamaq

During this session, the Gamers attending will focus on a library that adds an abstraction layer between C++ and Lua. The goal is to demonstrate a simple way of interacting with Lua’s stack and analyse how we can leverage the overload resolution by using the rule SFINAE – Substitution Failure Is Not An Error - to deal with a dynamic language in C++.

July 20th - An introduction to Python
Rui Rei, Senior Software Engineer at Fabamaq

In the third Tech Talk, Python will be the topic in focus. During the session, attendees will explore syntax, basic building functions and some advanced features of this programming language. Gamers will also use the knowledge acquired in the session to recreate the extensive pattern library of Conway’s Game of Lifeleveraging.

July 22nd - Advanced Python
Rui Rei, Senior Software Engineer at Fabamaq

After an introductory session, the Tech Talk “Advanced Python” proposes a deeper approach to this programming language covering concepts such as decorators, generators and context managers. With the new knowledge acquired, participants will build a simple and discrete event simulation structure and a precise model to propagate a virus that could save humanity itself.

July 27th – User Experience
Fátima Elias, Web Designer at Fabamaq

User experience will be the focus of the fifth Tech Talk. Our Gamer will use her professional experience and knowledge collected in several courses dedicated to User Experience to share common mistakes and good practices to remember when designing digital experiences for users. It’s a group of principles to apply regardless sector or area involved in product creation.

July 29th - Google Design Sprint Framework
Fátima Elias, Web Designer at Fabamaq

The last Tech Talk will share knowledge about the  “Google Design Sprint Framework”. The attendees will explore this methodology developed at Google to solve problems using design, prototyping and idea testing with users. The modus operandi of this framework structured in six stages, and its potential to align teams or create a common vision about any problem, will be explored during the sessions.

The Tech Talks will happen in a hybrid format, merging the physical attendees at the office with the Gamers connected online in the audience.

Looking for a job? Join Fabamaq now

With over 200 Gamers so far, Fabamaq has several IT jobs in different areas of operation. From mathematics to game development, passing through project management, and software development, there are a lot of job openings to explore. Do not miss out on what could be the jackpot of your career!

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