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8th FMQ Anniversary

On the past 16th, we celebrated our 8th anniversary, and BB Villa de Gaia was the chosen venue to gather the entire Fabamaq family at the table. We started the day with breakfast cookies and a presentation where Emotional Intelligence expert Paulo Moreira showed us the importance of deconstructing situations with binary thinking and focusing on the positive.

After the inspiring breakfast, with representations  of some situations by our gamers, we looked together at the latest modifications in the company's structure. This year brought many novelties, and they were all addressed in the following presentations.


"Look around you and fixate on everything that is red in the room. Close your eyes.
Now tell me what you saw that was green."


With the appetite whetted and while waiting for the food, there was a special challenge for all gamers: to build the tallest tower using only strands of raw spaghetti, tape, and a marshmallow (to be placed on top), available at each table. The construction had to stand for at least 10 seconds, but some of our gamers surprised with creations that lasted the entire lunch.


After the meal, with lively conversation and laughter, the round cake was cut. And the party continued in our facilities with the 2nd edition of the Game-A-thon and dozens of games!

The year 2018 promises, and we are all aligned with extra motivation for the challenges ahead. Bring them on!


Photos by our gamer Pedro André Oliveira

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